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History of the Weymouth Concert Brass

Although, at one time, there had been a brass band in Weymouth it had been
disbanded for some years until, in 1985, two gentlemen placed an advert in the
echo requesting anyone interested in re-establishing a band to attend a meeting at the Star and Garter.
These gentlemen rightly felt that a town the size of Weymouth should have its
own band, as do many towns smaller than our own. From this then a nucleus of
people met regularly under the direction of Albert Davies. The band itself owned
no instruments and had no money so anyone wishing to join them had to have
their own instrument.
They were fortunate enough to purchase a second hand library of music via the
generosity of the players and it was through their sheer tenacity, as well as
continued financial goodwill that those players continued to meet weekly -
often with only a handful of people - and struggled through those initial years
to become the band that they are today. They can now provide a full
compliment of players, have a junior band, a comprehensive music library and
some instruments

During its relatively short lifetime the band has begun to fulfil its objective by playing at school and church fetes, street fairs, carol concerts and a number of charity fund raising concerts and events at Weymouth, Portland and other places in the South Dorset area.

In addition to its music-making function a brass band acts as a social medium with people of all ages and walks of life forming the membership. The younger element of the community is particularly welcome and encouraged to join where they may contribute considerably to the musical quality of the group as well as engaging themselves on a creative, wholesome and purposeful activity which gives a sense of community purpose and involvement.
Weymouth Concert Brass is looking forward to seeing a larger youth element and hopes more youngsters will come forward as a result of seeing .this article.
Music tuition is planned for those wishing to take up with brass music.